Tuesday, March 28, 2017

The Makey Makey Cure for Insomnia; Or, the Reverse Jigglypuff Alarm Clock

I am super excited about the project I have been working on for the last few days, because now it finally works! Behold, the makey makey cure for insomnia! Or more concretely, a reverse alarm clock using a 3D printed Jigglypuff! Here is a video displaying it's remarkable effects:

How did I come up with this idea? In the Pokémon anime, it is a recurring gag for a wandering Jigglypuff that dreams of stardom to run into the main characters and start to sing. The problem is that a Jigglypuff's song causes anyone to hear it to fall asleep, thus causing the Jigglypuff to always get angry that people are falling asleep during their set. I wanted to recreate this scenario with the 3D printed Jigglypuff I made last week, and I thought the makey makey was the perfect solution!

So how does it work? First, the makey makey is connected to "Earth" (i.e. my finger) via the green alligator clip. Then, the blue alligator clip is connected to "Space" and the Jigglypuff object. I was having trouble with this endeavor at first because the filamnet that the Pokémon was made out of was not conductive. So I solved that problem by putting copper tape on the Jigglypuff's ears and completing the circuit by attaching the blue alligator clip to the copper tape on Jigglypuff. 

Now, whenever I touch the top of the Jigglypuff, the space bar on my computer should activate. How can I play a song with just pressing the space bar though? I already downloaded Jigglypuff's song online, so I could simply pull up iTunes and have it play the song when I pull up the file. But I wanted more of a challenge, so downloaded the application Soundplant and actually assigned the mp3 file for Jigglypuff's song to the space bar. With Soundplant in the background, all I have to do is just tap Jigglypuff and the song plays on its own!

It's just like an alarm clock, except it makes you fall asleep instead of waking you up! A cure for insomnia indeed! 

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